The chronological resume is most suitable for junior to mid-level job seekers who wish to change jobs or industries. It's the most traditional style resume and suits those who may have had multiple roles in the same organisation, as well anyone with just a few jobs to list in their career history. The benefit of a chronological style resume is that employers can see your work experience to date at a quick glance. 





[Email address]

[Mobile number]



[Start date–end date], [Institution name, qualifications acquired]

· Note subjects, specialisations, achievements, relevant extra-curricular activities



· Demonstrate your commitment to improving your skills and investing in your career


Awards and recognition

· List any career relevant awards


Special skills and abilities

· List niche skills: languages spoken, software packages, coding languages


Personal statement

This optional section may be used to give a sense of your personality or interests. This is especially useful if your interests align in some way with the industry, business or role you’re applying for.

Example: An actuarial studies graduate from the University of X looking for an entry-level actuarial position to further develop my analytical skills and knowledge in a fast-paced real world environment. I have strong commercial awareness and proven interpersonal and technical abilities.


Career history

[Title ]


[Start date–end date]

· Bullet points outlining responsibilities and achievements

· Use action-oriented verbs and finite numbers like ‘Increased revenue by 14.7%’

· Include examples of ‘soft’ skills where relevant, such as stakeholder management, communication and team work


[Title ]


[Start date–end date]


[Title ]


[Start date–end date]



Either list referees or state that they are available upon request


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