4 things to do before the start of every work day

Depending on your job, your family situation and your hobbies and interests, your morning routine should be designed to make you happy and energised – but only you can decide what that looks like.

If you ever need a bit of inspiration, here are the top four morning routines that you could consider integrating into your daily lives.

1. Exercise and meditation

A common theme that is emerging in most successful individuals’ routine is exercise. If you’re a regular gym-goer, runner or swimmer, try shifting your lunchtime or evening sessions to the morning and see if you notice the effects during your work day. If you just can’t face the gym at 6am, try something a bit slower-paced like yoga and meditation.

At a recent conference PageGroup hosted, we spent the first hour of one of the days meditating as a group. There was an expert there taking us through the steps and though she made it clear that beginners can often feel drowsier than those who meditate regularly, we came out of the session invigorated and ready for the day ahead.

2. Have a healthy breakfast

The advice of breakfast being the most important meal of the day is probably well drilled into most of us.  And there is truth to the saying — Your concentration will drastically dip when your energy levels do, so prioritise eating breakfast if you want a productive day.

3. Family time

Find time to have a conversation with a friend or family member once before work. Feeling like you’re connected is not just great for your own well-being but for those in your life too. Again – happiness leads to productivity.

4. Checking emails

This suggestion is definitely a love-hate one. Some people may choose to check emails during their commute to work, but it may not work for all, especially if you end up re-reading everything when you step into the office and responding then. If you find that you get bogged down with emails throughout your work day, dedicate a time (which is blocked out in your diary) where you read and respond to everything urgent. Flag everything that needs an action and delete everything that requires neither response nor action.

What will you do? If your morning routine isn’t the problem, maybe your job is. Search for a new one today and get inspired again.


Here are some suggestions for fixing up your morning routine to be more successful at work:

  • Do some exercise, whether it’s walking or cycling to work, a session at the gym, or some yoga – stretch out that sleep!
  • Prepare a healthy breakfast before you go to bed each night 
  • Connect with a friend or family member
  • Make a decision on when to check your emails, then stick to that time every day

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